- Giving
Thanks: A Native American Good Morning Message (973650), 28 minutes, 1996,
Canadian Learning Company, Primary-Junior Audience, From the Reading
Rainbow Series. Written by Chief Jake Swamp and illustrated by Erwin
Printup, Jr., this title celebrates the beauty, bounty and resources of
the earth. The Native American belief that the natural world is a precious
and rare gift leads viewers to a family harvesting cranberries and to city
kids planting trees in their neighbourhood, reinforcing the message of
responsibility that we all share in caring for our environment.
- Giving Thanks - A Native Good Morning Message (055175), 7 minutes,
1997, McNabb & Connolly, Primary Audience. Known as the Thanksgiving
Address, this native good morning message is based on the belief that the
natural world is a precious and rare gift - from the moon and the stars to
the tiniest blade of grass. Narrated in English & Mohawk by Chief Jake Swamp. Ltd. Animation
- The Great Peace…the Gathering of Good Minds (K01047), 1999,
Working World New Media, Junior Audience. Contains: 1 Resource Guide
& 1 CD-ROM this CD-ROM is based on the three panel artwork (a
triptych) that Raymond created to express the images in his dream. Raymond
states, "As the artwork started to evolve, I began to realize that
all the images within the theme had a specific story to tell - stories of
history, stories of culture, stories of spirituality and values. As the
images took shape it was clear that this told the story of the Great Law
of the Iroquois Confederacy." The triptych is entitled, The Great
Peace...The Gathering of Good Minds, from which the CD-ROM received its
title. The artwork is used as the main menu for the Great Peace
Interactive Journey section on the CD-ROM.